We help DTC ecom brands unlock hidden revenue through conversion rate optimisation (CRO)

Is your brand earning over £50k per month through Shopify or TikTok Shop? If so, how is your website performing? Did you know across our 25+ managed Shopify sites our average conversion rate is >4%? Here’s how we’ve done it.

We help DTC ecom brands unlock hidden revenue through conversion rate optimisation (CRO)

Is your brand earning over £50k per month through Shopify or TikTok Shop? If so, how is your website performing?

Did you know across our 25+ managed Shopify sites our average conversion rate is >4%? Here’s how we’ve done it.

does this sound like your brand?

We’ve helped over 50+ DTC brand scale in the past 2 years, they all came to us with the same problems... Do they sound familiar?

My store has a below average conversion rate.

The industry average conversion rate for ecom stores is 2% - our internal average is over 4%. Did you know the top 1% of stores have a >10% CVR?

My acquisition costs are high, and customer retention rates are low.

If you're main acquisition is paid media, it can be incredibly costly, especially if you're in a saturated market. You need to work on retaining those customers after you've acquired them.

My stores growth has plateaued.

This is a common problem we see across all industries, usually after a period of high growth. It's time to go back to basics, and start iterating changes to find the sweet spot.

My competitors are growing faster than I am

Try to avoid looking at vanity metrics too deeply, however indications from vanity metrics can give us an overview of a competitors success.

You’ve stumbled across your stores saviour. Congrats! With years of experience under our belt, our in-house growth experts can help guide your store to reach it’s true potential, without costing you an arm and a leg.

Our comprehensive approach begins with learning your current strategies and then working with our designers, developers and growth strategists to create your 3 step plan.

CRO requires a holistic approach, no two brands are the same. It takes knowledge, excitement and ability to build momentum and increase your brands revenue.


Book your health check with Sam

Book in a super quick call with our founder Sam to discuss to provide a high level overview of your business and allow us to cater our audit to your business. This will help us formulate hypotheses to help your business grow. We’ll discuss your current strategies, understand your goals and set some KPI’s.

We want to know your proposition. What sets you apart from the rest.


It’s time to cook up your strategy

Our team of Shopify experts will create a tailored strategy for your brand, highlighting areas of significant friction, ways to unlock hidden revenue and strategies for creating a cult-like following. We will hypothesise, then create a prioritisation matrix to ensure we tackle the key areas of friction right out the gate.

What’s a cult like following? Think represent, PLOUISE, Supreme - these brands are built around a community that adores every single thing they do.


Let’s get into the implementation

It’s time to handover to the implementation team. Our designers will start to create UX-focused, high quality Shopify components ready for the developers to build them. The data team will then take over, ensuring every amendment is tracked and accounted for. The conversion machine whirs into action. We test, we change, we review, we launch.

Dependent on the strategy devised, this could be a one-time project or multi-month operation.

The methods We use

Every store is different, but they all follow the basic fundamentals of behavioural economics. We employ our tried and tested strategies across all industries, based around teh startegy created by our in-house CRO experts.

Create UX-optimised, beautiful looking stores that will leave new customers wanting more.

First impressions matter. Have you ever heard the phrase don’t judge a book by its cover?

That doesn't float in the ecom game. Consumers are ruthless with where they’ll spend their hard earned cash.

Your store must be visually compelling to gain the trust of your audience and drive the metrics that matter most.

CVR  >4%

Comprise retention strategies to help you grow a cult-like following

The biggest brands have figured this one out early - the bigger your community, the bigger your growth.

Creating loyalty schemes that customers actually want to use will drive revenue through repeat purchase, improve your marketing metrics through engagement and create advocacy therefore providing free acquisition. 🐐

AOV ^20%

Reduce your acquisition costs by increasing your customer LTV

First impressions matter. Have you ever heard the phrase don’t judge a book by its cover?

That doesn't float in the ecom game. Consumers are ruthless with where they’ll spend their hard earned cash.

Your store must be visually compelling to gain the trust of your audience and drive the metrics that matter most.

CSR  >50%

Optimise your stores navigation to coerce prospects into your primary purchasing path

Sometimes it can be hard to look at the bigger picture when it comes to navigation. Customers want seamless experience that doesn’t require much cognitive ability.

Think about the ease-of-use when scrolling through TikTok, or the journey that a trip to Ikea takes you on. Both brands have a key primary purchasing journey in mind, and their implementation is phenomenal.


Maximise your stores revenue through core metric analysis

The reports created by Shopify will help provide us with a high-level understanding of your stores performance.

But if we really want to dig deep, we need to break out the big boys. A great place to start is Hotjar, a heatmapping tool that allows us to record a segment of users so we can first-hand how users are navigating across our store

CSR >40%

Educate your customers to reduce purchasing anxiety

The most common key friction point we see across all our stores is purchasing anxiety.

Customers do not trust your brand or product enough to purchase. We need to guide users through education to increase their propensity to purchase.

Our tried and tested PDP template works wonders in providing easily digestible content to educate customers before they click add to cart.

CVR  ^35%

Our results & Case Studies

Fyne Art Cosmetics

Fyne Cosmetics

Fyne Art Cosmetics

Completed Nov 2023

We helped FYNE Cosmetics define their ideal customer flows, whilst implementing our tried and tested PDP template across their site. The results speak for themselves with this one.


Conversion Rate Increase


AOV Increase


Cart Success Rate Increase

Rapscallion soda


Rapscallion soda

Completed Feb 2024

Rapscallion Soda faced challenges with their old multichannel website, catering to D2C, B2B, and D2B, which resulted in analytics issues and skewed D2C metrics. Additionally, the site had poor UX and clunky navigation. To address these issues, we embarked on a comprehensive redesign project.


Conversion Rate Increase


Cart Success Rate


Sales Increase

P Louise Cosmetics


P Louise Cosmetics

Completed Nov 2023

Plouise, a renowned global makeup brand, entrusted us to enhance customer engagement and loyalty through a custom loyalty system. Our goal was to create a seamless and rewarding experience for their clientele, encouraging repeat purchases and brand advocacy.


Revenue Attributed
to Loyalty


Sign Ups on 
First Day


Increase in
AOV for
Loyalty Members




Completed May 2023

CNP, a prominent multichannel sports supplementation brand, approached us with pressing challenges regarding their existing e-commerce systems. Their legacy platforms were proving detrimental to their online presence, causing a poor customer experience and administrative struggles for their team. These issues culminated in a significant drop in revenue, prompting CNP to seek a solution.


Cart Success Rate


Conversion Rate Increase


AOV Increase




Completed Mar 2024

An underperforming website, hindered by a sluggish theme, led a leading business to seek our expertise. Our aim was rebuild the site on a new theme to increase UX and reduce load times.


Conversion Rate Increase


Total Order Increase


AOV Increase

DOWNLOAD OUR GUIDE TO Optimise your store AND increase customer LTV without increasing your marketing budget.

Kick things off with a call or download our DIY CRO document to start implementing changes on your site today.

Here’s what to expect:

Tried and tested, data-backed CRO formulas to boost your stores momentum.

A  team of experts on hand to devise, discover, explain and implement proven methodologies.

A deep dive into the beautiful world of e-commerce, from the eyes of Manchester's leading Shopify Agency.

Download our free GUIDE


Optimise your online store to boost your core metrics without
increasing your marketing budget.

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What is CRO and how can it benefit my Shopify store?

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of improving your website to increase the percentage of visitors who take a desired action, such as making a purchase. For a Shopify store, this can lead to increased sales, higher average order values, and better customer retention.

How do you analyze my Shopify store's current performance?

We conduct a comprehensive audit of your store, including analysis of your analytics data, user behavior, and website performance. This helps identify areas of improvement and potential opportunities for optimization.

What tools do you use for CRO on Shopify?

We use a combination of tools such as Google Analytics, Hotjar, Optimizely, VWO, and Shopify-specific apps like Lucky Orange and Shogun to gather data and implement changes.

How do you prioritize which changes to make first?

We prioritize changes based on potential impact and ease of implementation. This involves identifying quick wins that can deliver immediate results, followed by more complex changes that may require significant development.

Can you provide examples of successful CRO strategies you've implemented for other Shopify stores?

Yes, we have case studies and examples of past projects where we significantly improved conversion rates for our clients. We can share relevant examples that align with your industry and business model.

How will CRO affect my existing SEO efforts?

CRO and SEO can complement each other. Our approach ensures that any changes made to improve conversion rates do not negatively impact your search engine rankings. In fact, better user experience often leads to better SEO performance.

What types of A/B tests do you typically run on Shopify stores?

We run various A/B tests such as testing different product page layouts, call-to-action buttons, checkout processes, and promotional offers to determine what resonates best with your customers.

How long does it take to see results from CRO efforts?

While some improvements can be seen relatively quickly, CRO is an ongoing process. Typically, you may start seeing noticeable results within a few weeks to a few months, depending on the extent of changes implemented.

How do you measure the success of CRO campaigns?

Success is measured through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rate, average order value, bounce rate, and overall revenue. We provide regular reports and insights to track progress and make data-driven decisions.

Still have questions?

marca Vs the world

Take a look at what defines us and, more importantly, why that works better for you!

Proven Results
Proven Results
Proven Results
Proven Results
Proven Results
Proven Results
Proven Results
Proven Results
Proven Results
Proven Results
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MARCA vs The World

Take a look at what defines us and, more importantly, why that works better for you!

Behavioural Experts
Boutique Team, Bespoke Feel
Competitively Priced
5 Star Reviews
All in one Convenient TaaS

Every other CRO agency

Rinse and repeat strategies
No A/B testing
Doesn't prove statistical significance
Poor customer service
Outsourced resource


Optimise your online store to boost your core metrics without
increasing your marketing budget.

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