Not your average app developers...

Building apps is no easy task. It requires a diverse team of high skilled individuals to consider every stage from ideation to deployment. Luckily for you, we can take care of every single step.

We can help with MVP's, No-Code Applications, Web applications and Mobile Applications.

our specialities

what we can do for you.

Double diamond approach

Discover, Design, Develop, Deploy. Our 4 step double diamond approach helps us understand and build out your entire project roadmap. Our discovery phase will deep dive into the features and benefits your application must include, and how we can iteratively launch them as we scale from MVP to versioned product.

Team as a Service

Our team will take care of everything for you, our in-house designers, developers and project managers will take you from ideation to launch. Our maintenance team will then provide you ongoing support as you take to your product to market.

Scalable technology and fees

Launching bespoke technology can incur excessive monthly fees. We ensure that our tech fees scale with you, allowing you to capture those early customers without having to worry about burning all your marketing budget on expensive fixed server fees.

Ongoing maintenance and servicing

All bespoke technology will require servicing and maintenance after launch. We have different packages available to cater to your needs. Death, taxes and bugs - unfortunately something none of us can escape from. We will define an SLA to rectify any bugs that are found post launch.

Full roadmap build

When starting your technology build, its vital to understand (as close as possible) where we want the technology to end up. By deep diving before we build, we can lay strong foundations avoiding double-development and shoehorning of features.

Optimised architecture and systems

Our development team will outline the most cost and time efficient systems and architecture for your technology. We will outline all associated fees and help you define your stack - using as little jargon as possible.

making tech simple

Designed with users at the forefront

This involves prioritizing user needs through a user-centered design process. This includes conducting user research, creating personas, and iteratively prototyping based on feedback. Usability testing, accessibility considerations, and responsive design are essential.

Let's Build Let's Build Let's Build let's Build

Let's build let's build let's build let's build

our tech partners

leveraging only the best software for your tech.

We have rigorously trialed and tested software solutions throughout our business journey, long preceding MARCA.

Over time, we've honed our selection to include only trusted partners and software platforms proven effective for each specific project requirement. Continuously, we actively seek out innovative tools, software, and integrations to further enhance our technological capabilities, propelling us to new heights of efficiency and effectiveness.

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The price of success

No-Code MVP

£5,000 - £15,000
Prove your concept
Delivered with 60 days
Easily editable user interface (UI)
Simple analytics dashboard
End-to-end & unit testing

Team as a service (TaaS)

£10,000+ (pcm)
Turn the development tap on and off
Full Roadmap Discovery
In-house Design Team
Manchester Based Developers
End-to-end & unit testing
Deployment to relevant host
Continued tech support


Hear what our clients
have to say.


If you still have questions, give us a call!

How does app development work?

App development involves a systematic process where a dedicated team of developers translates your business idea into a tangible product. This process typically includes initial consultations to understand your requirements, followed by planning, designing, coding, testing, and deployment stages. Throughout development, the team discusses technical limitations, project milestones, and ensures alignment with your vision. Regular updates and feedback sessions keep you informed and engaged in the development journey, ensuring the final product meets your expectations.

What is a minimum viable product and what is its purpose?

A minimum viable product (MVP) is a foundational version of a product that includes only essential features to satisfy early adopters and gather feedback. The purpose of an MVP is to validate your product idea with minimal resources, reduce time-to-market, and iteratively improve based on user feedback. By focusing on core functionalities, an MVP allows you to test assumptions, identify market demand, and make data-driven decisions for future development.

How do you define a minimum viable product?

Defining a minimum viable product (MVP) involves creating a foundational version of your product with essential features aimed at addressing a particular problem or fulfilling a specific need. It serves as a prototype to validate assumptions, gather feedback from initial users, and test the market's response. An MVP is characterised by its simplicity, emphasising core functionalities to deliver value while minimising development time and resource investment. Working with a web development team can aid in defining an MVP by assessing the work required for various features, prioritising them based on their importance and potential impact, and ensuring efficient use of resources during development.

What is a web app?

A web app, short for web application, is a software application that runs on web browsers over the internet. Unlike traditional desktop applications, web apps do not require installation and can be accessed from any device with a compatible browser and internet connection. They leverage web technologies to deliver interactive user experiences, dynamic content, and real-time updates. Common examples of web apps include email clients, social media platforms, online banking portals, and productivity tools like Google Docs.

How do I know whether I need a web or mobile app?

Determining whether you need a web or mobile app depends on your specific business requirements, target audience, and intended functionality. In many cases, a web app can fulfil the needs of both desktop and mobile users effectively. Web apps offer cross-platform compatibility, accessibility from any device with a browser, and easier maintenance compared to native mobile apps. However, if your app requires device-specific features like GPS, camera access, or offline functionality, a mobile app may be more suitable. Conducting market research, understanding user preferences, and consulting with app development experts can help you make an informed decision.

Are web apps software?

Yes, web apps are a type of software application that operates over the internet and is accessed through web browsers. Unlike traditional software installed on a device, web apps do not require downloads or installations and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. Common examples of web apps include email clients, online shopping platforms, project management tools, and social media networks.

What are the two main platforms for mobile apps?

The two primary platforms for mobile apps are the Android and Apple app stores. These platforms host millions of apps catering to various needs and interests of users worldwide. While developing for these platforms offers access to a vast user base, it's worth noting that apps can also be built as web apps, providing cross-platform compatibility. In some cases, a well-designed web app can fulfil all the functional requirements of a mobile app while offering the advantage of easier maintenance and updates across different devices and operating systems.

Are web apps just websites?

Web apps are more than just websites. While websites primarily serve as informational platforms, web apps provide interactive functionalities similar to native mobile apps. They run within web browsers and offer dynamic user experiences, often with features like real-time updates, data processing, and user interactivity. Web apps utilise modern web technologies to deliver rich user experiences across various devices and screen sizes.

Should I start with a web or mobile app?

The decision to start with a web or mobile app depends on various factors, including your target audience, business goals, budget, and timeline. If your target audience predominantly uses mobile devices and you require access to device-specific features like camera or GPS, starting with a mobile app might be more suitable. On the other hand, if you aim for broader accessibility across different devices and platforms or have limited resources for development and maintenance, beginning with a web app could be a more practical approach.

Do I need an app if I have a website?

Having a website is essential for establishing an online presence, but whether you need an app depends on your business objectives and target audience. While a website serves as a central hub for information and interactions, an app can offer additional benefits such as enhanced user engagement, personalised experiences, and access to device features like push notifications. Consider factors like user behaviour, market trends, and the specific needs your app aims to fulfil when deciding whether to invest in app development alongside your website.